6 Red Rose Flat Bouquet

6 gorgeous Red Roses mixed with seasonal foliages in a breathtaking flat bouquet gift wrapped in luxury cellophane and tissue paper ready for the lucky recipient to arrange and put into their own vase.

6 standard beautiful Red Roses


6 Luxury long stemmed, large headed, sweet scented Red Roses (as pictured)

All designs created by FLOWERS are bespoke. No two designs are the same unless requested. We choose memorable colour palletes, quality seasonal blooms and fabulous foliages that compliment one another and by using different textures and shapes we bring interest and style to your unique gifts. 

All our flowers are hand delivered by one the team and come with a complimentry card for you to send your own personailsed message, a care card to show the recipient how to look after their flowers to ensure they get the best out of them and spare flower food to extend the vase life of their gift. 

6 Red Rose Flat Bouquet

1. Choose price and size
2. What is the occasion?
3. What message would you like in the card?
Cards Accepted